get naked.

the provocative nature of nudity confounds the basic human need to be seen + known.

for, as it seems, the humans i meet each day would rather die than be fully known in their unadulterated Truths— flawed + irreverent + reprehensible.

no, no. we'll have none of that.

let's, instead, play pretend like little children.

. . .

as it were, we Live in a world where everyone wants to be seen as something far greater than their most-honest self—

clothed in riches. clothed in success. clothed in admirable thoughts + feelings.

+ yet the Truth of it is, ain't not a single one of us even close to perfect.

i know. 'cause i've tried.

. . .

so who are you no one is looking?

who are you when there is nothing to hide behind? no bank account or education. no job title or fancy house. no publicly espoused political or religious ideologies.

who are you when the masks peel off, + the walls come down, + you stand naked + alone before Creator + Creation?

. . .

are you a miserable asshat?

or are you a decent human soul?

or are you so busy being fake that you've never even looked inside to see what really be?

. . .

also. as a note.

your fake isn't fooling anyone but the other fools faking it, too.

. . .

my challenge to you today, sweet Friend— is to get naked.

peel back your layers of "pretending to be," + discover who's hiding underneath.

get down to your nitty gritty real— the battered + bruised. the broken + used. the sweat you've had to pour to make your dreams come true, + the way you've had to fight to get back up after every fall from Grace.

. . .

in a world that celebrates fake, be real.

. . .

Love you. mean it. <3


digging up bones.


episodes 1 + 2.