
science says:

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

- Sir Issac Newton’s Third Law of Motion

. . .

polytheism says:

[there is] the universal causal law by which good or bad actions determine the future modes of an individual’s existence. (karma.)

. . .

monotheism says:

What a person plants, he will harvest.

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now imagine a debate stage where the most prolific scientific minds and the foremost spiritual leaders of all of the world’s major religions sat, entangled in blissful agreement, that every choice you make has a relative consequence.

would you be convinced?

. . .

in hindsight, i didn’t need the words of Newton or Einstein or Buddha or Gandhi — or even Jesus, y’all —to tell me that i’m gonna get what’s coming to me.

Life taught me that one.

but it sure is nice to know that the most famous historical figures of brilliance and understanding all agree with the immutable anecdotal evidence of my own Life journey.

. . .

brings me back to a time—

sitting at rock-bottom— you know, one of the handful of times i visited in my past— thinking to myself: “maybe i’m just depressed. or maybe ’depressed’ is just a psycho babble buzz word in modern society that justifies a lot of flawed behavior being covered up with mind-altering prescription drugs to alter the way the brain + body were Created to function. hmmmm. but i feel so rotten! surely, i’m depressed, down, at an all-time-low. and why, in the world, does everything just keep getting worse?! what is this depression, really? where does it come from? and how do i get rid of it?”

. . .

my conclusion then, my conclusion now—

depression is simply realizing that your Life sucks + it’s your own responsibility to clean it up. (even if it’s someone else’s manure.)

now. modern psychology would readily disagree with rock-bottom me. but i don’t much care about appeasing the sinister pharmaceutical sorcerers + lobbyists of the quote-quote free world. “magic” pills are as old as Time— + they have always come with undesirable side-effects. don’t you remember the fairytale about Rumpelstiltskin?

but enough about that already.

. . .

i saw this quote the other day, + i couldn’t help but screenshot that bad boy. “self-destructive” has been my middle name during many of Life’s seasons. granted, the older i get, the more energy it takes to heal from such madness. so i tend to choose Healer more than Destroyer these days. but make no bones about it, sweet friend— i am capable of atrocities to self + others.

get busy putting everything you have into building a Life you won’t want to destroy.

^now that’s pure wealth + wisdom right there, friend.

. . .

are you depressed? at an all-time-low? realizing your Life sucks + there is no magic pill that’s gonna do the work for you to make your Life Whole + Beautiful + Healthy + Well?


i guess you better get busy, then, doing the Good Things in Life that will bring positive results.

like telling the Truth, no matter what. + treating other people the way you want to be treated. being a good steward of your gifts + talents. faithfully paying your debts. forgiving — yourself + others. taking care of your Health + Wellness.

and for the Love of all that is Bright about your potential future— stop blaming other people + just clean up the damned mess.

. . .

the boomerang of today’s choices will return to you in due time—

will it be laden with Blessing or Stressing?

you choose.

. . .

Love you. mean it.



