it’s Christmas Day.
i’m tucked away in the guestroom, wrapped up in red plaid flannel; my Bible studies in Jeremiah, complete.
the house sleeps snugly under layers of warmth and Grace. Mom, in the Queen’s Quarters. Lola, in my old room slash Mom’s office. And even a Jakob, tucked away in Dad’s old office, downstairs. His first night sleeping in the same place as Lola and me since March.
this year has been a crucible for us all.
Brother Bill, Mr. CEO + power-Husband / -Dad is fighting a little bug. The Family Thrasher gathered last night for our traditional Christmas Eve shenanigans anyway.
because it’s Christmas. and Dad.
Dad’s nowhere to be seen. He Lives inbetween the spaces now— dancing along the dimensions, visiting us each in his unique ways.
for a moment last night, i stepped outside of myself in the cacophony + laughter + joy— and i missed him so deeply. but he leaned in closer and reminded me how near he be. his presence was palpable, although unseen. i blinked back the tears forming in the tender place, and re-engaged in the scene before me.
i am Alive, afterall.
even when it hurts.
. . .
how easily i could create a list of grievances and hardships. struggles that i’m not sure how much longer i will be able to bear. the growing weight of responsibility for things i didn’t even know i could or would or should carry, becoming crushing on many given days.
but in the same stroke of loops + curves and dots, i could write an even longer list— an infinite list— of my wealthy blessings, my abundant gifts— the Flawless Love of Papa passed continuously onto me through interstellar Passion.
i would much rather count my blessings.
. . .
to my reader who finds yourself on the hardest side of lonely— i Love you. today can be hard and good at the exact same time. don’t let your beautiful Life be robbed of the joy that has been given to you— if only you’ll reach in + take hold.
to my reader who is surrounded by people and things and commotion, but still feels profoundly tiny and unseen, unheard and unLoved— i Love you. your worth will never be found in status or money. not even in the people around you. your worth is found in Love The Verb. and all you have to do is seek to be found, wrapped warmly in comfort and Grace— as if you had never been lost at all.
to my reader who wishes Life were easier— i Love you. surely you must keep wishing, but try getting better at enjoying the hard tasks. afterall, you were Created to do hard things.
and to my reader who doesn’t know how to feel anymore— i Love you. take a long walk. enjoy a hot shower. drink a cool glass of icewater. dance along to a groovy song. smile at a stranger. clean up your room. do a kind thing for someone else. stop waiting for your Life to happen to you. show up and be counted among the Living.
. . .
we all have stuff, my sweet friends. big stuff. unbearable stuff. hard stuff. expensive stuff. stuff we wonder how we’ll survive.
but there’s Good News!
we all, also, have access to the God of Love— who is Passionate about His people. Who wants the very Best for each of us. Who knit you in your mother’s womb + has plans to prosper you.
what better day to simply whisper a Word of acknowledgment to the Maker of it all—
Love you. mean it.