start somewhere. just start.

well hello there, my sweet friend. it is so nice to see you again. yes. it has been awhile. no. i’m not sure how long. but i’m here now. and so are you. so this is a good place to start.

things are going well on my end — still aiming to Live that abundant Life. some parts of my world are fuller and brighter than they’ve ever been. other parts are just plain hard and dark and scary. i’ll tell you more as the days unfold. but for now, suffice it to say that my Life is still as amazingly complicated as it was when we last left off.

for those of you who are curious, the old website was exactly that.. o l d. and as things came to a head for me last summer, and i really started to re-evaluate my Life and the areas in which i needed to grow — rock on. barefoot. came in as a close second. i realized that i needed to destroy some parts of… well… me. parts of me that had become something that i wasn’t even sure that i liked. introspection is not overrated, y’all. not even a little bit.

you see — so much of who i had become over the last decade, died last july. and the parts of me that survived had to be sorted through and examined for goodness and Truth. much to my surprise, i discovered a h e a p of pretty little lies in that process — lies i had been telling myself for so long that when i challenged myself on what was true versus what i wanted to be true, i unwittingly declared war on the deceiver in me. a battle that took every ounce of my energy to fight… the slaying of my own worst enemy from within.

so these last few months of public silence have been spent healing up the parts of me that survived the destruction. and then taking a patient inventory of what remains.

and y’all? what remains is good. and beautiful. and a little bit closer to the version of me that i really want to be.

so now? there is new Life to paint my words around. and fresh Love to pour my colors through. and a profound Aliveness to share generously with others.

and what an appropriate time to thank you each for sticking around — for your notes of Love and concern. for your whispers of encouragement. for your prayers that always found their way to my heart — even as things got terrifyingly dark.

but the darkness, too, shall pass, sweet friend. and spring has now shed her magnificent Light-energy back into my wide-open-soul-windows, and i am breathing easy once more. embracing the refreshing Hope of Love that has flooded into my being like a desperately-longed-for afternoon shower in a parched and wilting garden.

and now there are just so many things to share. the incredible things Papa has been doing. is doing. will do. but i had to begin here — by telling you where i’ve been. and why i had to go away for a little while.

but yo, y’all. it’s really good to be back.

and i’ll see you back here very soon.

Love you. mean it.


as one chapter closes, another begins.